Alex Fishman
Alexis Davis Iaconis
Hospitality Director Copain Wines
Alison Story
TexaCali Ali - Owner of & Co-Owner of the upcoming
Bertus van Zyl
Assistant Winemaker Regusci Winery
Cathy Corison
Owner/Winemaker Corison Winery
Chris Deegan
Dustin Ramey
Jonathan Troutman
Wine Blogger Jonathan Troutman
Julien Fayard
Owner/Winemaker Azur Wines, Winemaker Purlieu
Pam Starr
Owner/Winemaker Crocker & Starr Wines
Ryan Evans
Samantha Sheehan
Owner Poe Wines & Boson
Shelley Lindgren
Owner/Wine Director A16 and SPQR Restaurants
Steve Matthiasson
Owner/Winemaker Matthiasson Wines
Vinny Eng