
Crama Girboiu

Epicentrum şarbă & Plăvaie 2018

on a short visit to bucharest.
this is the second wine I'm trying.
first was a bright white blend that had some cab in it!

pale green 👀

flowers (need to up my flower variety description game), mint and citrus peel 👃

medium body.
medium minus acidity.

bright and a bit oily grapefruit juice (but winey) 👄

this isn't bad. but nothing exciting is really happening.

had it on it's own. stuffed from the beers and excellent mamaliga and 🇷🇴 salads that were feasted on a few hours ago.
— 6 years ago

Senator Wine

Monser Sarba

やや甘め、フルーティーで飲みやすい — 8 years ago