This is a yummy ROSE’ as far as rose’s go it has a lot of body! — 9 months ago
👃 is incredible. Black and blue fruit + olive.
Medium+ body, chewy mouthfeel. Blackberry, currant, black cherry, touch of dust, and acidity that is Corison. This is my favorite Napa Corison. Different than the ‘14s, ‘16’s, and 18’s that I love. Thanks @Cathy Corison !! — 3 years ago
Dry, good acidity which is a little unusual for a Riesling. Good weight, bright color, this wine is delicious! — 4 years ago
Fruity, not heavy or too sweet — 4 years ago
Granular, ripe and heavy. Syrupy berry and smokey notes. Quite smooth. Enjoyable? Yes. Whopping alcohol level? Yes. Worth fifty bucks? No. — 13 days ago