La Mancha Spain
Tried this on its own. Very nice, easy drinking. Would definitely be good with the recommendations below:
Staff Selection (Roger Clark): “This is a typical medium-bodied Tempranillo, showing both ripe and slightly dried fruit flavors along with intriguing spice notes. Because the wine is beautifully balanced to begin with, it succeeds in a number of different ways. It can be thoroughly enjoyable on its own but also try it with savory chicken and pork dishes.”
Surdyks Spring 2016 Sale - $8.99 (compare at $13.99) — 7 years ago
(16.5/20) Вино гранатового цвета с приятным ароматом брусники, яблок, малины, кедра и кардамона. Умеренная кислотность и бархатистые, чуть суховатые танины. Весьма приятное вино не лишенное некоторой сложности. #fenavin2017 — 8 years ago
Con personalidad, distinto a otros blancos — 6 months ago