Right on the money with this Riesling! Straw in color and star bright. Nose was filled with lemon-lime, honeydew, Granny Smith apples, wild honey, citrus blossom, ginger, and new plastic pool toy aromas. The palate was extremely well balanced and the acidity was high and puckering. The tart lemon and lime flavors held through the finish. The finish was surprisingly long, and it was a nice medium-minus body. This Riesling provides a solid compliment to spicy sushi and spicy foods. It holds up strong and has a lot of backbone. All in all, this is your Riesling if you are looking for a refreshing, acidic, dry breath of fresh air. Instant favorite of mine! Washington dry Rieslings are spectacular. Cheers! — 9 years ago
I'm stunned to find an ice wine I like. Sweet but well balanced and with strong creamy/buttery notes. — 11 years ago
Abbas Zand
Orange blossom, and marmalade aromas.
Sweet entry, orange, and citrus marmalade flavors. Bright acidity. Ends without leaving too much of a sweet aftertaste.
Excellent desert wine, or with spicy food.
$10 — 2 months ago