Cofield Wines

Cofield Wines

Rutherglen Muscat

Typical rich Rutherglen muscat. Beautiful! — 7 years ago

Cheryl thomsonSamantha Ferguson
with Cheryl and Samantha

Cofield Wines

Alpine Valleys Semillon 2016

Sweet... light. Lovely with starberries — 8 years ago

Cofield Wines

Victoria Marsanne Viognier 2008

A great drink; mature white from Rutherglen winemaker Cofield; 13.8%, the aged character of marsanne + bitter sweet tannins of viognier give this unwooded drop an unctuous feeling in the mouth; wine style no longer made; shows the unpopularity of these warm region white Rhone blends in the sauvignon age; excellent. — 10 years ago

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Bob McDonald

Bob McDonald Influencer Badge

Well said Scud. When is the Sauvignon age going to end, if ever?