Does Michigan produce good wines? The answer is yes! (I was a little surprised.) light bodied, cherries. Had it served slightly chilled. Very tasty. Great value. — 8 years ago
A pleasant surprise out of Lake Michigan AVA. A lighter bodied Syrah but otherwise hosts all the expectations with Syrah. — 6 years ago
This Pinot had easy fruit flavors, low tannins and represents the Lake Michigan Shore AVA well. — 8 years ago
Michigan terroir comes through: bright acidity balanced by sweet tannins, pomegranate & cherries, and mineral notes. Very food friendly. Unique Cabernet, well made. — 6 years ago
Bought on a wine trip to Michigan this past fall. Great with hamburgers! — 9 years ago
Karen Benish
Sweet but not overly so. — 5 years ago