Wonderful bouquet. Refreshing. A must have! — 2 years ago
Great alone, with food, so solid. Vibrant sweet berries. Tannins moderate and nice. Had two bottles. Cab Sav and Syrah play very well together. Syrah ands the acute, light sweetness full mouth. — 3 years ago
Spicy and aromatic red blend with oaky undertones. Great choice for a late night sipping wine. — 2 years ago
ダージリン — 2 years ago
VERY dry but in a good way ~ lovely notes of cherry and warm wood. — 3 years ago
Comparing a couple 2011 Loire Cab Francs this weekend. This offering, brought home from Paris in December, is incredibly lively and bright for a 9 year old wine. Bright and juicy with tons of varietal fruit character. Great acid. Sub €30 I think and is something I wish I had a case of. Perfect every day drinker (amazing to say that about a 2011) - not incredibly complex but incredibly delicious. Enjoyed standing around the kitchen waiting for homemade pizza to come out of the oven (margarita and sausage/mushroom pies). — 5 years ago
Cor bem escura e bordas de um vermelho intenso. Bastante corpo com lágrimas lentas. Aroma amadeirado já envelhecido, adocicado com notas de fruta passa, aroma alcoólico bem pouco perceptível. Na boca é possível perceber bem levemente aspecto ácido e tânico, mas de mandeira geral é bem equilibrado e saboroso. Possui notas de frutas pretas e ervas. — 2 years ago
Very nice Portuguese red wine blend with an initial distinctive note of bacon!
We had it with chicken marbella. — 2 years ago
Na verdade é um cabernet sauvingnon. Cor, aroma e corpo excelentes, surpreendentemente preservados para um vinho de 8 anos. Sabor puxado para couro, com personalidade madura. Possível sentir um tanino suave nas bordas e ponta da língua. Vinho perfeito para quem gosta de um sabor mais maduro, sem parecer passado. — 5 years ago
Dru Margolin
Bright Gamay gulper — 22 days ago