Jean François Nicq

Jean François Ganevat

La Combe Rotalier Savagnin

Oxidative Savignin perfection. Ripe golden delicious, lemon curd, chantilly cream, hazelnut skin. Delicate, energetic, and elegant. Absolutely gorgeous. — 7 months ago

Jean François Ganevat

De Toute Beauté Nature Gamay


I would die for her too — 2 months ago

Jean François Ganevat

Les Grands Teppes Vieilles Vignes Côtes du Jura Chardonnay

J Choi

Full rich. Kept improving. Never had bad bottle — 6 months ago

Jean François Ganevat

Les Chalasses Vieilles Vignes Côtes du Jura Chardonnay 2018

En mag. Raw unfiltered musty cellar. — 8 months ago

Tom liked this

Jean François Mérieau

Le Bois Jacou Touraine Gamay

A solid budget “Beauj”. This actually tastes like terroir and you can tell the winemaker is trying to not get too involved in the cellar unlike last nights moulin a vent. A lightness and tartness that is quite fun raspberry notes of fruit and a lot of acidity lead to a good drinking wine. Perhaps cherry notes in the middle? The finish isn’t huge but it does linger after swallowing. Actually the nose is quite pretty. Lilac notes? A flower. Highly recommended. The light tartness on the finish might a little much for some people. Maybe air will mellow it. Will buy again.
Edit: after 20 or 30 min of air the tart end integrates and the wine smoothed even more out. This probably deserves a higher rating than 9. Highly recommended
— 2 years ago

Jean François Ganevat

Grusse en Billat Côtes du Jura Chardonnay 2008

Chardonnay jurassien sur le beurre et L'abricot sec — 3 months ago

Daniel liked this
Daniel M

Daniel M

J’ai adoré cette cuvée quand j’ai eu l’occasion de la goûter, à l’époque où les prix étaient encore "raisonnables"

Jean François Ganevat

Le Jaja du Ben Red Blend 2014

Jeremy Shanker

Delicious Ganevat Rouge. Hibiscus, cranberry, funk. — 6 months ago

David, Vin and 1 other liked this

Jean François Ganevat

Cuvée Florine Côtes du Jura Chardonnay 2009

Beautiful wine. All in the evolution. Great great white wine. Loooong wonderful finish. — 10 months ago

Paul, Freek and 1 other liked this