An interesting back story. This wine is from the Geelong District in Victoria. In 1848 Swiss Vigneron James Henry Dardel commenced the establishment of Paradise Winery and Vineyards, I, II, III and IV on the banks of the Moorabool River at Batesford near Geelong. He won local and overseas acclaim for his wines before the Geelong Wine industry was destroyed by phylloxera in 1881. In 1988 planting was re-established on the site of the original Paradise IV Vineyard by Graham and Ruth Bonney. The vineyard faces north east and has a unique soil profile of decomposed granite over limestone marl. The vineyard is low cropped and the wines are made using traditional winemaking techniques. The wine is Northern Rhone in style. Red florals with lots of spice and charcuterie. Rich and savoury on the medium plus bodied palate. Only 240 dozen made. Is there a square mile of Victoria not suitable for viticulture? — a year ago
Beautiful!!! — 10 years ago
Nice on Gene. How Rock n Roll of us to have a spontaneous 10 o'clock drink! — 12 years ago
Ceccherini Cristiano
Vineyard 100% biodynamic
The wine has depth to sell
Moorabool Valley is a subregion of the Geelong area, red soil.
Very cool vintage 2022, ripening happened pretty late giving more complexity to the wine.
Last bunch got picked in early May.
Wild fermented. Included in mass a litrle of Viogner bunches. Aged in large oak.
The wine is definitely more a syrah than a shiraz.
Medium body, soft tannin and white pepper character. Very long and good. — 7 months ago