Soft and delicate. Blackberry fruit with herbs . Fresh and very long . Lovely — 4 years ago
Too bad you could not see the gorgeous color. — 11 years ago
Ljus och lätt i stilen men med väldigt mycket djup. Sura körsbär, rosor, saltlakrits, pepparmynta, svart te, tall och eftersmak av jalapeños och svarta oliver. Lite som ett mycket lätt utspätt saftkoncentrat för vuxna. Hög drickvänlighet! — 6 years ago
Pooneet K
Needs some air - at cork pop the fruit was very much in the background. Have no experience with this grape and very limited with Greek wine in general. Someone described this as a Greek Beaujolais, with lots of wild herbs running through it. I’d agree. Nice pairing with chicken thighs and spinach / chickpeas cooked in the chicken fat. — a year ago