

Mayga Gamay 2022

Lovely. Tastes and smells like a Parisian wine bar. Juicy, funky, fun, and very acidic. — 8 months ago

Joseph Lewinski
with Joseph


" Chez Fabien " Gamay

Cranberry punch (like pow, not like punch bowl punch) — 6 years ago

Jessica Dean
with Jessica

Alice Bouvot et Charles Dagand

Papagena Mousseux Rosé Blend

Angel Martinez

Octavin also creates sparkling rosé — 9 years ago


Potion Magique Savagnin Blend 2018


Cooked strawberries, balsamic vinegar, jam.. I bought this based on rave reviews but find it a bit too barny. It’s nice tho, just a bit too natural wine-y — 3 years ago

Domaine de L'Octavin

Elle Aime Arbois Pinot Noir Chardonnay

Finally, an octavin wine that doesn’t taste flawed in some way. This is a super light bodied Jura red blend that is a little frizzante and very energetic and crushable. Loved it — 5 years ago


Octavin Jaker

Cucumer thyme gatorade witches brew, nobody does it like Alice — 7 years ago

Jochen Hartmann
with Jochen
Jochen and Katie liked this
Jochen Hartmann

Jochen Hartmann



Charlot Red Blend 2016

Like musty cranberry juice. So good and tart and zippy. Really nice. Settles down a bit as it sits. Lot of character. — 5 years ago


Octavin Ganache

xxxcellent — 5 years ago

Damien liked this

San Fereolo

Coste di Riavolo Bianco Langhe Riesling Gewürztraminer 2014

So many perfect things about this wine. Natty harmony. Perfect with briny olives or morel mushrooms. I could have mistaken this for R. Lopez de. Herredia, Rioja or Domaine Octavin, Jura. — 7 years ago

Colin liked this

Domaine de L'Octavin

Dora Bella Arbois Poulsard

octavin poulsard. brilliant after the thick and delicious vouvray. — 11 years ago

Randolph, Thibault and 1 other liked this