Spritzers with sanpellegrino grapefruit — 5 years ago
Minottis; apricot, lemon, and mineral. Pretty Dry. I ended up making spritzers with half the bottle and enjoyed it. — 5 years ago
Yummy white! Good on its own made excellent spritzers. — 8 years ago
Often times sparkling sake is associated to low quality spritzers readily available at cheap take out restaurants. This one suggested by the somme at Spago was a little creamy, a little sweet, effervescent, perfect pairing with the delicate sashimi — 3 years ago
My first sherry so not the best base of knowledge to judge it. But I though it had a depth of flavor and enjoyed drinking it straight and in lemon spritzers. — 5 years ago
Would drink again. Nice for spritzers. — 4 years ago
A black cherry, chocolaty number that as weird as it seems I thought was just perfect in the D'Angelo winery garden in the searing heat with the kids playing about in the water spritzers, dogs lazing, and the conversation flowing. A great memory! — 5 years ago
Like pickled peach lime spritzers sipped from a chalkboard. Jeez Louise this is gooood. — 7 years ago
Brian Lenich
White wine spritzers at the Pesky Pelican with Amy — a year ago