

Scubla Colli Orientali del Friuli Rosso Scuro Red Blend 1999

The rating was averaged over 3 bottles of the same 1999 vintage. — 3 years ago


Ribolla & Malvasia Lo Speziale Bianco 2010

Shay A

Wednesday Wine Committee. 1 sparkler, 2 whites, 4 reds and 1 dessert wine. All tasted blind as usual.

Not a single person called this Italian. In fact, most called this either Alsatian Riesling (what I thought), Alsatian Pinot Gris it even Bordeaux Blanc. This was a dead ringer for Riesling from Alsace...petrol on the nose, tart white peach and crushed limestone on the palate. Unique.
— 6 years ago

Will AdamsWeston Eidson
with Will and Weston
Mike, Ted and 21 others liked this


Pomédes Bianco Colli Orientali del Friuli White Blend

This just brings out the geek in case left on DC? Can't put it on my list, but I can certainly put it in my belly! Razor clams and bacon jam, anyone? — 10 years ago

Serge, Anthony and 4 others liked this
Mo Cherry

Mo Cherry Influencer Badge

In DC, not on...because that makes zero sense