Sociedade Agricola Da Beira


Sparkling Rose


Refrescante e animado como a companhia a beira da lagoa.
— 6 months ago

Adega Da Covilha

Reserva Monte Serrano Touriga Nacional 2014

Full, yet surprisingly light ending — 5 years ago

Cooperative da Covilhã

Beira Interior 2011

Had at hotel in Castelo Branco! Good! — 8 years ago

Quinta Da Caldeirinha

Vinho Regional Terras do Beira Branco 2022

Fruity and a bit of chardonnay — 9 months ago

Vinho da Ordem


Really an orange wine with the skin contact from the red grapes in the field blend. — 2 years ago

Antonio Bernardino Paulo da Silva

Beira Mar Vinho de Mesa Ramisco

Amazing wine! Light & smooth! A must-try!👍 — 10 years ago

Olena liked this

Sociedade Agrícola Faldas da Serra

Malvasia - Fina Quinta das Maias 2022

Fresh light Porto Malvasia great hue abd aroma — 10 months ago

Adega Da Covilha

Monte Serrano Reserva Beira Interior Red Blend 2018

Difficile à battre pour le prix. Un tout petit 13$ — 4 years ago

Sociedade Agrícola Monte Novo

Reserva Herdade da Figueirinha Alentejano Red Blend

I can’t believe how good this wine is! It’s really my type of wine, strong body and a bit of oak taste. Love it! I had reserve 2015 — 6 years ago