More character than the usual rose. — 7 years ago
If you are in the Leesburg, VA, area, this winery is a must visit. Three Captains Red is an excellent Virginia wine, combining Chambourcin, Cabernet Franc, (two grapes that do very well in our state), and a little Cabernet Sauvignon into a fruit-forward, well-crafted blend. — 8 years ago
Solid yet In touch enigmatic… Just not enough tanning to give the verve but really nicely polished fruit and acid for a mildly tempered meal. 50 / 50 Merlot and PV. Smooth and velvety tho ;) VA gold medal — 5 years ago
Fruit forward, nice Cabernet Sauvignon. — 8 years ago
A great chilled blend to have, smooth on the pallet with salty notes and finishes buttery. — 7 years ago
Excellent blend, perfect with roasted turkey. Floral notes, delicate finish. — 7 years ago
Tastes like ghosts — 8 years ago
Roger Custer
A little sweet and fruity with a taste of the soil. Excellent red from a white region that is hit or miss with reds. — 2 years ago