Been on the look out for this Pinot ever since I tried it at thanksgiving last year. Beautiful, rich fruit notes with a really nice smokey flavor. Not sure the validity of this story but the person who brought the wine to dinner lives near this vineyard and told us the year this grape was harvested there was a fire in a nearby vineyard that you can still taste in the fruit. Delightful. One of my faves. — 9 years ago
Mellow, pairs well with strong cheeses like blue and views of Carsland. 😉 — 9 years ago
Refreshing, bubbly, light and not too sweet. Perfect for a hot LA afternoon. Want all the bottles of this. — 9 years ago
Awesome brut with a more complex flavor. If only the bubbles could wipe away this insane heat. Maybe a few more... — 9 years ago