First, we must consider the setting of my consumption of this wine: the Savannah airport Hilton garden inn, after 4 days of flight cancellations due to a freak snowstorm. Second, we must take this wine for what it is: a budget Malbec. Considering both of these factors, it's excellent! Robust, jammy, and incredibly drinkable. Pairs great with Cheetos, gummy bears, and true crime TV shows!
First, we must consider the setting of my consumption of this wine: the Savannah airport Hilton garden inn, after 4 days of flight cancellations due to a freak snowstorm. Second, we must take this wine for what it is: a budget Malbec. Considering both of these factors, it's excellent! Robust, jammy, and incredibly drinkable. Pairs great with Cheetos, gummy bears, and true crime TV shows!
Jan 25th, 2025