Cloudy but not hazy. Grapefruit on the nose. Tastes like lemonade without the acidity. Lovely minerality. Convinced my partner to believe in natural wine, so it holds a special place in my heart.
Cloudy but not hazy. Grapefruit on the nose. Tastes like lemonade without the acidity. Lovely minerality. Convinced my partner to believe in natural wine, so it holds a special place in my heart.
1 person found it helpfulJun 15th, 2019
Cloudy with a medium to full body. Brighter / more crisp and lemonade’y then I would expect from something so cloudy. Very refreshing — Drifter’s Wife w Shan after oysters
Cloudy with a medium to full body. Brighter / more crisp and lemonade’y then I would expect from something so cloudy. Very refreshing — Drifter’s Wife w Shan after oysters
Jun 13th, 2019