Second of the threesome reds from Dane Cellars. Dark garnet red. Very gamey attack on the nose with savory notes such as iron and grilled herbs. Day one on the palate mirrored the nose, notes of iron, pepper and meat. Moderate tannins (6/10) and moderate plus body. Slight heat that dissipated on day two. Day two the nose of the Mourvedre really came through, with purple floral notes. Palate added in some greenery and flowers. Heat began to come up with a long finish. Drink till 2024.
Second of the threesome reds from Dane Cellars. Dark garnet red. Very gamey attack on the nose with savory notes such as iron and grilled herbs. Day one on the palate mirrored the nose, notes of iron, pepper and meat. Moderate tannins (6/10) and moderate plus body. Slight heat that dissipated on day two. Day two the nose of the Mourvedre really came through, with purple floral notes. Palate added in some greenery and flowers. Heat began to come up with a long finish. Drink till 2024.
Jun 9th, 2016