Août 2017 - Un vin fruité et intense en bouche comme je les aime. Manque un peu de longueur ?
Vadim Kalinich
Ну вот.
Mark Schumacher
Bought this at Liquor Land per Emmett's suggestion. Also had it at chops on 2/19. Ev loves it.
Kelli Green
So good ! Loved it def buying again!
Steven Hammer
Simple rich, meaty wine. Intense nose but shortish finish. Would be a great party wine - but not super serious.
Zachary Knight
Red wine flavored.
Ellen Norrison
Excellent Blend. Smooth Finish
Yangbo Du
Wood and leather dominant with earthy accents
Alejandra Albizu
Alejandra had this 4 years ago
Karime Colares
Karime had this 9 years ago