Borja Perez Viticultores

Ignios Orígenes Listán Negro

8.94 ratings
-no pro ratings
Ycoden Daute Isora, Canary Islands, Spain
Listan Negro
Top Notes For
Patrick Kanaley

Really intense wine. Tart yet light. Great for a one-off exploration, but not going to become my go to.

Really intense wine. Tart yet light. Great for a one-off exploration, but not going to become my go to.

Sep 3rd, 2016
Joe Gillies

Funky like a really good gamay. Ash, leather, tobacco, and smokiness. A light body wine that is rust in color.

Funky like a really good gamay. Ash, leather, tobacco, and smokiness. A light body wine that is rust in color.

Aug 17th, 2016
John Zuarino

John had this 8 years ago

John had this 8 years ago

Dec 6th, 2016
Alberto Pérez Marín

Alberto had this 9 years ago

Alberto had this 9 years ago

Jun 23rd, 2016