Effervescent and spritzy Grenache. Funky and weird with ripe black fruits, gamey, and loads of VA. Some bright tangerine(!) as well. Interesting but not my thing.
Effervescent and spritzy Grenache. Funky and weird with ripe black fruits, gamey, and loads of VA. Some bright tangerine(!) as well. Interesting but not my thing.
May 26th, 2020
Always a delight. A good back up to the hard-to-find “bunny wine”
Always a delight. A good back up to the hard-to-find “bunny wine”
Aug 1st, 2019
Another Ardeche stunner. Very precise Grenache with a touch of fizz.
Another Ardeche stunner. Very precise Grenache with a touch of fizz.
May 29th, 2019
Blodig tomat med eftersmag af lakrids. Vild nok. Kridtet eftersmag der forsvinder med tiden. Ellers let staldet og perlebde ved åbning. (Grenache Noir)
Blodig tomat med eftersmag af lakrids. Vild nok. Kridtet eftersmag der forsvinder med tiden. Ellers let staldet og perlebde ved åbning. (Grenache Noir)
Mar 16th, 2019
Light with a meaty funk
Feb 24th, 2019
Birthday wine while being creative
Birthday wine while being creative
Feb 19th, 2019
Very deep red fruit and earthy nose, lots of stalky young tannins, grassy and a bit unbalanced maybe.
Very deep red fruit and earthy nose, lots of stalky young tannins, grassy and a bit unbalanced maybe.
Feb 2nd, 2019
Much funkier than I remember the 2016, but luckily I love funk! Food wine.
Much funkier than I remember the 2016, but luckily I love funk! Food wine.
Jan 6th, 2019
An interesting blend. Funky with slight natural effervescence. Reminds me of a Lambrusco.
An interesting blend. Funky with slight natural effervescence. Reminds me of a Lambrusco.
Dec 4th, 2018
Fire. So bouquet like a watt of a fine women 80’s perfume red lipstick. Dayum. Not overly heavy or high abv. Light. Enjoyable.
Fire. So bouquet like a watt of a fine women 80’s perfume red lipstick. Dayum. Not overly heavy or high abv. Light. Enjoyable.
Sep 28th, 2018