Waiting for Delectable to identify this but know that it is Canned Oregon’s Sparkling rosé. Well now I’ve found my shower can after...probably too much research. It has sharp and fruit and hint of sweet without being so and... I know the label says I should be active-These stick figures suggest frisbee, beach sunning, surf/snow/skate boarding, grilling and plain cheers-Ing (never opposed) but this is my summer of 2019 shower booze. Take it love it. They should add a showering stick figure to this can.
Waiting for Delectable to identify this but know that it is Canned Oregon’s Sparkling rosé. Well now I’ve found my shower can after...probably too much research. It has sharp and fruit and hint of sweet without being so and... I know the label says I should be active-These stick figures suggest frisbee, beach sunning, surf/snow/skate boarding, grilling and plain cheers-Ing (never opposed) but this is my summer of 2019 shower booze. Take it love it. They should add a showering stick figure to this can.
Jul 26th, 2019