Castel Mimi
Fetească Albă

Wonderful, unique bouquet. Melon, honey, citrus, and vegetal notes reminiscent of a classical French Sauvignon blanc. Moldovan wine is still under the radar and I’ve had several fantastic offerings. It’s rare to find this quality tethered to such an attractive price point. Buy it by the case and work on your “I had this back when it was affordable” speech. Fantastically creative
Wonderful, unique bouquet. Melon, honey, citrus, and vegetal notes reminiscent of a classical French Sauvignon blanc. Moldovan wine is still under the radar and I’ve had several fantastic offerings. It’s rare to find this quality tethered to such an attractive price point. Buy it by the case and work on your “I had this back when it was affordable” speech. Fantastically creative
Mar 10th, 2019