Simon Mogg
$10 a bottle from WTSO - bargain. Will definitely buy again. Good solid predictable cotes du rhone
Rich Mueller
$10 is a good price for this but nothing special. Solid presentation but not stellar vino. Ho hum.
Sean McPhillips
Very dry
Becca Drayer
Inky. Dry and tart in a great way.
Aaron Miller
Drinkable but tame. A good value for money at $10 from WTSO.
Lianne Hepler
Starts out earthy but opens up to fruity (but still dry), good for summer drinking
RoAnne de Weerd
RoAnne had this 7 years ago
Dom Gallardo
Dom had this 9 years ago
Rob Gilbert
Rob had this 10 years ago
Emily C
Emily had this 10 years ago