This was pretty young so decanted for two hours. Have to say the nose was very subtle almost nonexistent. Trace of vanilla and muted blackberry. Pretty much dark fruits and hints of tobacco and vanilla and light ash on the palate. Tannins make their self known. Drinks well but at this stage in it’s life it does not have great depth. Overall. Great week night causal glass of wine. Open one and enjoy good company and conversations.
This was pretty young so decanted for two hours. Have to say the nose was very subtle almost nonexistent. Trace of vanilla and muted blackberry. Pretty much dark fruits and hints of tobacco and vanilla and light ash on the palate. Tannins make their self known. Drinks well but at this stage in it’s life it does not have great depth. Overall. Great week night causal glass of wine. Open one and enjoy good company and conversations.
Jan 21st, 2019