Cigar City Brewing
Good Gourd Imperial Pumpkin Ale

Powering through the last of the oak beers on the way to wine immersion. On a positive note, the baby now has a room! Anyway, last year’s Good Gourd! Looks like dark tea or a hot cider, nice eruption of bubbling magic. Orange tinged; good start! Super spiced cinnamon apple, caramel, vanilla, nutmeg, and oddly smelling of a California wine. Sierra foothills mascarpone notes and also a hot buttered rum smell. Cinnamon tea, clove studded orange, whiskey-lemon-honey tea, toasted coconut, sweet tobacco, brown sugar, dates, fruitcake candied notes with a nod to its density. A cream soda finish with raisinets. #cigarcitybrewing #cigarcitygoodgourd #goodgourd #imperialale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birra #imperialpumpkinale #pumpkinale #pumpkinbeer #ccb #halloweenbeer
Powering through the last of the oak beers on the way to wine immersion. On a positive note, the baby now has a room! Anyway, last year’s Good Gourd! Looks like dark tea or a hot cider, nice eruption of bubbling magic. Orange tinged; good start! Super spiced cinnamon apple, caramel, vanilla, nutmeg, and oddly smelling of a California wine. Sierra foothills mascarpone notes and also a hot buttered rum smell. Cinnamon tea, clove studded orange, whiskey-lemon-honey tea, toasted coconut, sweet tobacco, brown sugar, dates, fruitcake candied notes with a nod to its density. A cream soda finish with raisinets. #cigarcitybrewing #cigarcitygoodgourd #goodgourd #imperialale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birra #imperialpumpkinale #pumpkinale #pumpkinbeer #ccb #halloweenbeer
Nov 8th, 2019
Brighter than the 14. Citrus at the fore. Thin caramel cream wheel, and brittle. Vanilla cream, lively middle, sweet potato, brown sugar, maple syrup, tighter ending.
Brighter than the 14. Citrus at the fore. Thin caramel cream wheel, and brittle. Vanilla cream, lively middle, sweet potato, brown sugar, maple syrup, tighter ending.
Oct 26th, 2015
Vanilla nose, cinnamon, allspice, tarragon, then huge vanilla, toasted caramel, sherry, Madeira, Mexican wedding cookie with cedar chips. Deep.
Vanilla nose, cinnamon, allspice, tarragon, then huge vanilla, toasted caramel, sherry, Madeira, Mexican wedding cookie with cedar chips. Deep.
Oct 26th, 2015
Less pumpkin and sweet spice than the usual fare. Malty goodness though
Less pumpkin and sweet spice than the usual fare. Malty goodness though
Nov 8th, 2014
Spicy nose, cardamom, nutmeg and cinnamon, also sweet malty barley, butternut on the palate, creamy mouthfeel, almost peanut butter cookie with a lingering vanilla cinnamon malt finish. Better 24 hours later; by a lot!
Spicy nose, cardamom, nutmeg and cinnamon, also sweet malty barley, butternut on the palate, creamy mouthfeel, almost peanut butter cookie with a lingering vanilla cinnamon malt finish. Better 24 hours later; by a lot!
Oct 23rd, 2014
As much as I hate the yearly influx of pumpkin beers, this one is delicious. Actual pumpkin, rich malts and a light bodied ale.
As much as I hate the yearly influx of pumpkin beers, this one is delicious. Actual pumpkin, rich malts and a light bodied ale.
Oct 14th, 2016