Something like the Platonic form of the Beaune; not wildly idiosyncratic, but a practised, well-dressed dinner companion who pulls out fine cigars during dessert. No risk of opinions on Brexit; refuses even if asked. Remarkable wisdom and suavity for its years; has the wit of a wine eight years older but definitely for drinking now, like the best summer dinner dates: easy but not simple.
[Wonderful pupper, does a fat boof, very doggo.]
Something like the Platonic form of the Beaune; not wildly idiosyncratic, but a practised, well-dressed dinner companion who pulls out fine cigars during dessert. No risk of opinions on Brexit; refuses even if asked. Remarkable wisdom and suavity for its years; has the wit of a wine eight years older but definitely for drinking now, like the best summer dinner dates: easy but not simple.
[Wonderful pupper, does a fat boof, very doggo.]
Jul 10th, 2017