Alex Lallos
Owner No Limit Fine Wines, Private Wine Consultant
Still primary and young. Tastes like it did 7 years ago. Aging very slowly. Awesome wine that should be revisited in 5-10 years
Conrad Green
Roses, fine but thick tannins. Cherry-ish fruit. Not too ripe, nicely poised. Pretty and delicious.
Tom Conroy
Love me some CDP... First bottle I have had from domaine vieille julienne. Will have to hunt more of this down. It is superb!!
Dark and juiced. Roasted fruit. Alright length. On the fence about this. Could go either way.
JR Grillo
JR had this 8 years ago
Richard Gould
Richard had this 9 years ago
Dan had this 10 years ago
Kaan Zaimoglu
Kaan had this 10 years ago
Kirk Paulsen
Kirk had this 10 years ago