An odd far away nose, of Dunkin donuts! (And I have not had one in at least 5 years.)
As it gets closer to the nose, a more austere scent of blackberry scones resting on fresh tannery.
Dark, unopened, closed fruits swirl in my palette, coloring every bit of my tongue. Some with tannins from the grape skin, some from the wood. Flint, and stone after being used to bash those unripened fruits into submission..
Needs a couple more years to really show.
An odd far away nose, of Dunkin donuts! (And I have not had one in at least 5 years.)
As it gets closer to the nose, a more austere scent of blackberry scones resting on fresh tannery.
Dark, unopened, closed fruits swirl in my palette, coloring every bit of my tongue. Some with tannins from the grape skin, some from the wood. Flint, and stone after being used to bash those unripened fruits into submission..
Needs a couple more years to really show.
Oct 18th, 2018
With R. Mystery leftover from a wig party. Far nose does not smell like donuts. Near nose is wet. Overall, would buy again.
With R. Mystery leftover from a wig party. Far nose does not smell like donuts. Near nose is wet. Overall, would buy again.
Mar 19th, 2022