Opened it an hour before, decanted it before service, nose was great! Powerful! Mouth is very elegant, not as long as i thought, need more time for sure
Opened it an hour before, decanted it before service, nose was great! Powerful! Mouth is very elegant, not as long as i thought, need more time for sure
Jun 23rd, 2015
A group from Le Bristol opened this great little wine bar a few weeks ago in Paris. Great food, incredible wines. A must go!
A group from Le Bristol opened this great little wine bar a few weeks ago in Paris. Great food, incredible wines. A must go!
Oct 21st, 2016
Let it breathe — after two hours it finally showed up with powerful nose, ripe cherry, dark plums, smoke, thick wet leather, all on a bed of leaves and rainy forest. Truly autumn wine. Needs some serious ageing.
Let it breathe — after two hours it finally showed up with powerful nose, ripe cherry, dark plums, smoke, thick wet leather, all on a bed of leaves and rainy forest. Truly autumn wine. Needs some serious ageing.
Nov 9th, 2015