Sarah Gagestein
Stevige wijn met duidelijk aanwezige syrah. Veel peper, rijp rood fruit en lange kersige afdronk. Lekker, soort stoere en eigenwijze Gigondas.
Robbert van Ooijen
Hilary Perschke
Bought after a tasting at Printers Row Wine Shop
Nicole Ruiz Hudson
Solid Rasteau w good concentration of ripe berries and plums and smoke and pepper on the finish.
Elliot Taylor
Whole lotta sweet meh.
Charles Gibbs
Charles had this 8 years ago
steph s
steph had this 8 years ago
Greg Cierkowski
Greg had this 8 years ago
Joe Scheeline
Joe had this 8 years ago
Scott Doyle
Scott had this 8 years ago