Drinking the tail end of another dinner here. Losing a bit of vigour after two days opened, but still showing heaps of textural richness and chewy energetic fruit. Plums, cranberries, spice, and earthy nuances. Impressively long finish. Wow! Sadly, the bouquet was the let down, whereby the expectedly floral notes have disappeared at this stage and a light musk has started developing. Nevertheless, I can’t discount that this was an excellent aperitif.
Drinking the tail end of another dinner here. Losing a bit of vigour after two days opened, but still showing heaps of textural richness and chewy energetic fruit. Plums, cranberries, spice, and earthy nuances. Impressively long finish. Wow! Sadly, the bouquet was the let down, whereby the expectedly floral notes have disappeared at this stage and a light musk has started developing. Nevertheless, I can’t discount that this was an excellent aperitif.
Nov 10th, 2022