Джем, тост, бекон, пряности. Не очень интенсивно. Вкус полный, суховатый, ягодно-дубовый. 15.5/20 (87/100)
Джем, тост, бекон, пряности. Не очень интенсивно. Вкус полный, суховатый, ягодно-дубовый. 15.5/20 (87/100)
Feb 15th, 2015
Boston... With future vascular surgeon Torelli.... Teatro off the Commons... One of my IT Cambridge clients stops by... Great meal... Great wine... Taste so much better than it smells... Not sure, how that is possible...!Smell is such an important part of taste... Trust me on this one...
Boston... With future vascular surgeon Torelli.... Teatro off the Commons... One of my IT Cambridge clients stops by... Great meal... Great wine... Taste so much better than it smells... Not sure, how that is possible...!Smell is such an important part of taste... Trust me on this one...
Sep 28th, 2015