Not port, but quite port-like. Quite sweet, figs, raisins, some dark fruit. A wee bit heavy on the sweet. But definitely serviceable.
Not port, but quite port-like. Quite sweet, figs, raisins, some dark fruit. A wee bit heavy on the sweet. But definitely serviceable.
Jun 18th, 2017
I was skeptical of this 10 year old tawny when I saw it -- I'm not usually a fan of Australian wines, and this was priced just under $15 on sale. The aroma calmed my nerves, the color got me excited, and the taste topped it all. Super smooth, rich caramelized fruit flavors and a luxurious golden amber color that is exactly what the name "tawny" implies. An amazing port for the price, this can stand up to other tawnys at twice the cost.
I was skeptical of this 10 year old tawny when I saw it -- I'm not usually a fan of Australian wines, and this was priced just under $15 on sale. The aroma calmed my nerves, the color got me excited, and the taste topped it all. Super smooth, rich caramelized fruit flavors and a luxurious golden amber color that is exactly what the name "tawny" implies. An amazing port for the price, this can stand up to other tawnys at twice the cost.
May 21st, 2017