A different kind of beast. Slow-ox for 3 hours and decanted for 2 it was jut starting to come out if it's shell. Wound like a coil, it gradually eased into life and had just got to a very happy stage, exhibiting some fantastic aromas of spicy tomatoes, strawberries with black pepper, and a hint of dark, fertile farm soil, when the last glass was empty.
Underestimate this at your peril!
A different kind of beast. Slow-ox for 3 hours and decanted for 2 it was jut starting to come out if it's shell. Wound like a coil, it gradually eased into life and had just got to a very happy stage, exhibiting some fantastic aromas of spicy tomatoes, strawberries with black pepper, and a hint of dark, fertile farm soil, when the last glass was empty.
Underestimate this at your peril!
Jun 24th, 2017