Never heard of this AVA or producer, but I will seek them out. Very interesting, fresh, natural tasting wine. Would have guessed cru Beaujolais blind. On the nose, dried roses, black pepper and dark fruit on the nose, bright juicy blackberries, cranberries and cracked pepper in the mouth. High acid, medium-long finish. Grippy tannins with some air. Minimal oak. Really well done.
Never heard of this AVA or producer, but I will seek them out. Very interesting, fresh, natural tasting wine. Would have guessed cru Beaujolais blind. On the nose, dried roses, black pepper and dark fruit on the nose, bright juicy blackberries, cranberries and cracked pepper in the mouth. High acid, medium-long finish. Grippy tannins with some air. Minimal oak. Really well done.
Nov 19th, 2020
Exceptional, versatile, deeply delicious. Light but with the kind of smoky, peppery depth you come to a big-ass red for. Big wow.
Exceptional, versatile, deeply delicious. Light but with the kind of smoky, peppery depth you come to a big-ass red for. Big wow.
Nov 7th, 2020