Цвет светло вишневый, чуть мутноватый. В аромате мякоть красной сливы, кислая вишня, намеки на табачный лист. Супер-лёгкое тело, фруктовый сочный вкус, кислотность выше среднего, танинов нет. Juicy. 15/20
Цвет светло вишневый, чуть мутноватый. В аромате мякоть красной сливы, кислая вишня, намеки на табачный лист. Супер-лёгкое тело, фруктовый сочный вкус, кислотность выше среднего, танинов нет. Juicy. 15/20
May 23rd, 2016
Translucent ruby glass with hints of violet and brown admix. Medium nose of cherry. raspberry, plum, earth, and vanilla with hints of licorice and faint tobacco. On the palate, crisp but mild acid washes in with tart cherry, strawberry and earth ending in a medium finish of cherry tartness from the tiny tannins. This is a good light bodied Pinot at a good price of $15.99 USD. Good with light dishes or as a sipper. Longer finish with more complexity/structure would have garnered a higher score.
Translucent ruby glass with hints of violet and brown admix. Medium nose of cherry. raspberry, plum, earth, and vanilla with hints of licorice and faint tobacco. On the palate, crisp but mild acid washes in with tart cherry, strawberry and earth ending in a medium finish of cherry tartness from the tiny tannins. This is a good light bodied Pinot at a good price of $15.99 USD. Good with light dishes or as a sipper. Longer finish with more complexity/structure would have garnered a higher score.
Oct 6th, 2015