Matija Klarić
Like it. Very easy and drinkable.
Tenealle Santillon
I like this. Yum.
Mr Mac
Little strawberry on the finish, not overly bubbly, clean and unpretentious. The perfect Valentines date!
Anton John
Good wine
Roman Sosnovskiy
Brand Ambassador Bodegas Ramon Bilbao, Organizer "Wine Games" competition Moscow
В аромате приятный, ненавязчивый сладкий тон клубники со сливками. Во рту свежее, легкое.
Anthony Oland
Anthony had this 8 years ago
David Muhs
David had this 8 years ago
Dima Lamex
Dima had this 9 years ago
Becky Griffiths
Becky had this 11 years ago