
Otskhanuri Sapere

8.49 ratings
8.24 pro ratings
Imereti, Georgia
Otskhanuri Sapare
Top Notes For
Jason Heller

Master Sommelier


Maybe the worst non flawed wine I've ever put in my mouth.

Maybe the worst non flawed wine I've ever put in my mouth.

Aug 16th, 2016
Sybaritewino C.Lawrence


Feb 21st, 2016
Randall Brater

Wow, the ratings on this wine are way off. This is an unfiltered wine aged in kvevri, so if you’re looking for a classic French or American style oaked wine, this is not for you. But if you like exploring different and interesting wines, this is for you. Super ripe fruit on the nose. Slightly funky on the palate with hints of raspberry, blackberry and spice. Medium to high tannin. Handled the heavy Georgian fare with style.

Wow, the ratings on this wine are way off. This is an unfiltered wine aged in kvevri, so if you’re looking for a classic French or American style oaked wine, this is not for you. But if you like exploring different and interesting wines, this is for you. Super ripe fruit on the nose. Slightly funky on the palate with hints of raspberry, blackberry and spice. Medium to high tannin. Handled the heavy Georgian fare with style.

Apr 22nd, 2019
Vladimir Miroshnikov

Аромат - скотный двор, черная слива, гудрон, резина. Вкус - черноплодка, резина, чуть изабелльно, чернильно, терпко. Странновато, для удовольствия не попьешь.

Аромат - скотный двор, черная слива, гудрон, резина. Вкус - черноплодка, резина, чуть изабелльно, чернильно, терпко. Странновато, для удовольствия не попьешь.

Dec 8th, 2015
Roman Sosnovskiy

Brand Ambassador Bodegas Ramon Bilbao, Organizer "Wine Games" competition Moscow


Густой очень насыщенный темный марганцовый цвет. В аромате:черные ягоды, джемовый тон ежевики, несладкий.немного копченая слива, легкий тон копчености и дыма+ тонкая животина.во рту мощные уверенные танины,умеренно сладкая фруктовость терна во вкусе,хорошая кислотность,среднетелое, всего 11,5% алкоголя.

Густой очень насыщенный темный марганцовый цвет. В аромате:черные ягоды, джемовый тон ежевики, несладкий.немного копченая слива, легкий тон копчености и дыма+ тонкая животина.во рту мощные уверенные танины,умеренно сладкая фруктовость терна во вкусе,хорошая кислотность,среднетелое, всего 11,5% алкоголя.

Apr 16th, 2015
Hai Tran

Hai had this 9 years ago

Hai had this 9 years ago

Sep 2nd, 2016
Clayton Bahr

Clayton had this 9 years ago

Clayton had this 9 years ago

Aug 14th, 2016
Menee Goo

Menee had this 9 years ago

Menee had this 9 years ago

Jun 9th, 2016
Marvin Shaouni

Marvin had this 9 years ago

Marvin had this 9 years ago

Sep 26th, 2015