Outstanding! Very well balanced. Bouquet is soft layer of white pepper and smoke. Flavors are velvety blackberry and soft black pepper with a slight tartness on the finish. Great food wine. " a little says a lot " about this wine.
Outstanding! Very well balanced. Bouquet is soft layer of white pepper and smoke. Flavors are velvety blackberry and soft black pepper with a slight tartness on the finish. Great food wine. " a little says a lot " about this wine.
Jan 3rd, 2015
Spice, moss and earth hover over and around blue berries and cherries..! Groovy splash against some wild boar and manchego bites Saturday mid-afternoon Promise' Land Market, in Morehead City, NC as coastal Spring showers lube the land and Phillip's well-chosen tunage gens the vibe and Janine's sweet smile welcomes the world... Check it out! So. Oool, too right..! Salute...
Spice, moss and earth hover over and around blue berries and cherries..! Groovy splash against some wild boar and manchego bites Saturday mid-afternoon Promise' Land Market, in Morehead City, NC as coastal Spring showers lube the land and Phillip's well-chosen tunage gens the vibe and Janine's sweet smile welcomes the world... Check it out! So. Oool, too right..! Salute...
Mar 29th, 2014