Masseria Surani

Ares Rosso Puglia Primitivo Cabernet Sauvignon

8.733 ratings
8.42 pro ratings
Puglia, Italy
Primitivo, Cabernet Sauvignon
Top Notes For
Denis Roudenko

15.5/20 (87/100)

Лимон, цедра, черный хлеб, табак, зеленое яблоко, цитрус. Крайне странно. Во вкусе много вишни, перца, ягодно. Достаточно высокая кислотность, не очень тельно, мощно. Садовые сладкие цветы, каллы, гладиолусы. Странное.

15.5/20 (87/100)

Лимон, цедра, черный хлеб, табак, зеленое яблоко, цитрус. Крайне странно. Во вкусе много вишни, перца, ягодно. Достаточно высокая кислотность, не очень тельно, мощно. Садовые сладкие цветы, каллы, гладиолусы. Странное.

Aug 17th, 2015
Stephen Pierron

Full bodied with overpowering notes of plum, dried prunes, and raisins..... 50% Primitivo, 30% Negroamaro, and 20% Cabernet Sauvignon.

Full bodied with overpowering notes of plum, dried prunes, and raisins..... 50% Primitivo, 30% Negroamaro, and 20% Cabernet Sauvignon.

Dec 17th, 2018
Henry Fuseler

Ok. Better on day 2. 2/17

Ok. Better on day 2. 2/17

Feb 7th, 2017
Gisli Olafsson

Nice smooth vine

Nice smooth vine

Jun 27th, 2015
Sergey Nemzer

87-88/100 2012

87-88/100 2012

Apr 9th, 2015

Great taste! Great bargain!

Great taste! Great bargain!

Mar 6th, 2015
Adam Reinhard

Fruity and spicy. Not sure I agree entirely with the points it has been awarded.

Fruity and spicy. Not sure I agree entirely with the points it has been awarded.

Feb 17th, 2015
Russ Bus

Primitivo50/Negroamaro30/CS20.... Oak casks 6mo $8.98 great value. Lively red fruit and spice

Primitivo50/Negroamaro30/CS20.... Oak casks 6mo $8.98 great value. Lively red fruit and spice

Aug 8th, 2014
Dan Ganea

Nice aroma, nice flat taste. Very good

Nice aroma, nice flat taste. Very good

Aug 1st, 2014
Jussi Nikander

Keskitäyteläinen ruokaviini miedoille ruoille. Tai juustoille. Menee lipitellessäkin, mutta hapot aika voimakkaat. Hyvä kuitenkin. Ruokakaupassa kympin

Keskitäyteläinen ruokaviini miedoille ruoille. Tai juustoille. Menee lipitellessäkin, mutta hapot aika voimakkaat. Hyvä kuitenkin. Ruokakaupassa kympin

Jul 30th, 2014