Papago Brewing Co.
Orange Blossom Mandarin Wheat
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Papago Brewing Co.
It smells and tastes of mandarin, it’s lightly alcoholic, it’s a pleasant light wheat beer, lightly hopped, when it’s hot and you are dehydrated, which happens in the desert six months of the year, this is a better option than any sports drink. Sure, no electrolytes here, but it tastes a dang sight better than those sports ades. And orange blossoms? Very Arizona. Drink local
It smells and tastes of mandarin, it’s lightly alcoholic, it’s a pleasant light wheat beer, lightly hopped, when it’s hot and you are dehydrated, which happens in the desert six months of the year, this is a better option than any sports drink. Sure, no electrolytes here, but it tastes a dang sight better than those sports ades. And orange blossoms? Very Arizona. Drink local
Apr 13th, 2021