to file in the category of 'wish I had another one of these for ____ years from now'. Solid, but with forward-looking prosperity. Hawkes Bay forever.
to file in the category of 'wish I had another one of these for ____ years from now'. Solid, but with forward-looking prosperity. Hawkes Bay forever.
Sep 24th, 2017
Not Pinot? Incredibly exciting in mouth. Red fruit and mineralogy with serious weight for its category. On its own wonderful, but wants food to pair.
Not Pinot? Incredibly exciting in mouth. Red fruit and mineralogy with serious weight for its category. On its own wonderful, but wants food to pair.
Apr 3rd, 2016
Lots of vanilla, orange, clove, and syrup. Unique blend of flavors for a Franc of this body
Lots of vanilla, orange, clove, and syrup. Unique blend of flavors for a Franc of this body
Oct 31st, 2020