Cork near perfect. Would have held up to corkscrew. Nose of saddle leather and cherry. Cherry PnP that evolved into sour cherry 4 hrs in. Earth. Smooth. Tannins resolved. Not the brightness of the previous bottle. Lovely aged wine.
Cork near perfect. Would have held up to corkscrew. Nose of saddle leather and cherry. Cherry PnP that evolved into sour cherry 4 hrs in. Earth. Smooth. Tannins resolved. Not the brightness of the previous bottle. Lovely aged wine.
Jan 28th, 2023
Spring mountain is always a classic. All the eucalyptus, black olive and dark fruit you would expect and at 15 years it's starting do develop secondary notes of pencil lead, leather and dried flowers. A classic Napa cab that paired perfectly with a dry aged ribeye
Spring mountain is always a classic. All the eucalyptus, black olive and dark fruit you would expect and at 15 years it's starting do develop secondary notes of pencil lead, leather and dried flowers. A classic Napa cab that paired perfectly with a dry aged ribeye
Sep 6th, 2015