Maudite Amber-Red Ale on Lees

cooking with this. and drinking the rest. lucky me
cooking with this. and drinking the rest. lucky me
Jan 15th, 2014
Great Belgian-style ales across the board, and I will give a good deal of credit to their proprietary yeast strain, which is not overly spicy, fruity, medicinal, etc but shows all these elements in modest amounts, seems to attenuate pretty fully giving relatively crisp, dry renditions of their styles (though it does sometimes result in borderline over-carbonated, overly foamy beers), and is complemented in this beer by a very subtle but very effective hop profile, which contributes no bitterness but runs seamlessly into the spicy and floral flavors from the fermentation.
Great Belgian-style ales across the board, and I will give a good deal of credit to their proprietary yeast strain, which is not overly spicy, fruity, medicinal, etc but shows all these elements in modest amounts, seems to attenuate pretty fully giving relatively crisp, dry renditions of their styles (though it does sometimes result in borderline over-carbonated, overly foamy beers), and is complemented in this beer by a very subtle but very effective hop profile, which contributes no bitterness but runs seamlessly into the spicy and floral flavors from the fermentation.
Jun 10th, 2013
Belgian-Trappist-style done right. Creamy, bready, with complex spicy taste. Love it! 8% double.
Belgian-Trappist-style done right. Creamy, bready, with complex spicy taste. Love it! 8% double.
Jul 12th, 2015