Awesome dark woodsy, pre-balsamic like qualities,...hinting towards light meaty ness..just wish there was more left
Awesome dark woodsy, pre-balsamic like qualities,...hinting towards light meaty ness..just wish there was more left
Sep 28th, 2018
Not terribly impressed. Definitely not worth $160 at Gotham. But you know markup is ridiculous there when a 2013 Insignia is fetching $890. Insanity. Back to this wine, More French Cab franc than napa Jarvis style. Lots of floral notes and changes over the course of dinner and the decant revealing prominent plum tones. Not big enough or viscous enough for me. ****update on dec 24, 2016: tried Jarvis cab franc 2011? few weeks back and it wasn't impressive. So belay my last with respect to the Jarvis CF comment above ^.
Not terribly impressed. Definitely not worth $160 at Gotham. But you know markup is ridiculous there when a 2013 Insignia is fetching $890. Insanity. Back to this wine, More French Cab franc than napa Jarvis style. Lots of floral notes and changes over the course of dinner and the decant revealing prominent plum tones. Not big enough or viscous enough for me. ****update on dec 24, 2016: tried Jarvis cab franc 2011? few weeks back and it wasn't impressive. So belay my last with respect to the Jarvis CF comment above ^.
Oct 28th, 2016