Refreshing and slightly sweet. Great wine to have with friends who prefer sweet wines and want to try something more crop with a nice acidity. — 4 years ago
This wine is a wonderful story with a disappointing ending. The initial taste is like biting into crispy green grapes and is followed by a super long unpleasant finish. Has a balance of of freshness and tartness that doesn’t follow through. I would drink again with some cheeses to bring out its flavors. A good refreshing summer wine. — 4 years ago
A very well-balanced wine. Has the perfect amount of sweetness, perfect amount of bitterness, and has a medium body. — 4 years ago
Wonderful wine. Has very interesting berry and spicy notes. Super light, not a lot of body. If you like something that grabs your tongue, this is not it. This is more of a hold hands while walking in the park wine, not a slap you in the face. Pairs nicely with sweet and savory things, like a nice tomato sauce. Saucy wine for a delectable time. — 3 years ago
Very crisp and fresh wine that is perfect for picnics under the sun. Really nice tartness that doesn’t linger badly in the mouth. Pair this with some fatty foods! — 4 years ago
A bitter and acidic wine. Pairs nicely with fatty things. Not too dry and medium body. Linger slightly, it was mostly a bitter aftertaste. — 4 years ago
very berry wine. nice and light, yet also rich. not thick, very watery. would buy again. this is a good introduction to cabernets. she’s approachable. she’s a libra. — 4 years ago
Not too sweet. Refreshing with a short finish. Has a nice crisp to it, but could be crispier! Perfect for a hot summer day. — 4 years ago
Very smooth wine that goes down easily. When standing on its own it doesn’t have much to show, but it sweetness and light body. Once you pair it with some greasy pairings it comes to life and becomes a bit more bitter and lingers longer. Has faint licorice notes. Also has some spicy, smokey character. — 4 years ago
Christian had this 2 years ago