Full bodied. Vanilla extract, overripe blackberries, prunes, raisins, fills your mouth, jammy, the kind of cherries that you put in the bottom of a Manhattan — 6 years ago
Full bodied af. Super fragrant. Smelling notes of blackberry, plum, vanilla, tastes like blackberry pie. Long af finish and acidic up front but makes you feel warm and tingly goin down — 6 years ago
Barbers D’Alba region, northwestern italy. Chalky, limestone rich clay soils. Good aging wine. Smell: cherry, sweet spices. Taste: tart cherries, lil piney? Very acidic! Juicy! Leave in bottle for longer and it’ll be more mellow. — 6 years ago
Has an orangey hue. Oaky smell, tobacco, dusty, smells like grandmas basement during poker night. Taste is AGGRESSIVE. Literally tastes like a poker night. Super tannic. Oak. Ripe Plum, acidity makes it almost lemony at the end. Burn up front but no burn going down. — 5 years ago
Medium bodied, smells like cherries, dust, not very complex. Acidic upfront but goes down super easy. Could chug this. Super soft once you get over the initial sip. — 6 years ago
Full bodied. Smells like blackberries, underripe raspberry, orange peel, strawberry fruit strips. My favorite Argentine wine. Looooong finish. Tannins are annoying but fine — 6 years ago
Chilean wine. Smell punches you in the face. Light to medium body. Smells acidic af. Smells like sticks, spicy peppers, tart cherries, raspberry, lemon. Very soft on the tongue but tart upfront. — 6 years ago
Light to medium bodied, smells like rose petals, twizzlers, juicy, sweet red fruit, bubble gum. Tastes sweet on the front, acidic on the back, tastes like raspberries. Like an exploding cranberry in your mouth. Very complex. Can’t figure it out!!! — 6 years ago
France: spicy, earthy, strawberries, spicy and sour/acidic on the finish. Just ripe fruit, jammy. — 6 years ago
Alli Jakubek
Blackberry, blueberry, no oak, tangy. Very smooth taste. Medium body. A little acidic, not tannic, not very complex. Easy drinking. — 5 years ago